VikingRed is a breeding programme with 3 different red breeds; FAY (Finnish Ayrshire) , SRB (Swedish Red), and RDM (Danish Red).
Breeding goal – VikingRed
The breeding goal for VikingRed is a healthy cow with good fertility, easy calvings, functional conformation and high production. The breeding goal is described in our NTM Index (Nordic Total Merit), which is an economic index, ensuring maximum progress for all economically important traits and best success for the farmers.
Breeding Programme – VikingRed
Genomic selection is an important tool in the breeding programme for VikingRed, both to find the best bulls but also finding the best heifers for embryo transfer and get as many offspring as possible from the top NTM animals. In VikingGenetics, we take out genomic tests of 3,000 VikingRed bull calves per year, and the best 100 will be used in AI. We also produce 4000 embryos from top heifers every year. All genomic bulls start as sire of sons before they enter the daily plan.
Genomic selection is an important tool in the breeding programme for VikingRed, both to find the best bulls but also finding the best heifers for embryo transfer and get as many offspring as possible from the top NTM animals. In VikingGenetics, we take out genomic tests of 3,000 VikingRed bull calves per year, and the best 100 will be used in AI. We also produce 4000 embryos from top heifers every year. All genomic bulls start as sire of sons before they enter the daily plan.

With VikingRed, you can enhance the efficiency of your herd and boost your profitability. Choosing VikingRed sires makes your cows more resistant to diseases, improves their reproductive capability and milk productivity, all at the same time. Our red cows are well known for their extraordinary health, easy calvings, excellent fertility, functional conformation and high production. Choose VikingRed sires to optimise your herd for commercial dairy production.
This unique combination of VikingRed qualities guarantees your success.
Our red sires will help you drive genetic progress for all the traits that are important for the profitability of your dairy business. You will achieve a high genetic level for health and reproduction traits, without compromising on production. VikingRed is a naturally healthy breed, which is why it has greater weighting in the Production index in NTM (The Nordic Total Merit index).
VikingRed bulls rank high in international top lists, and they are prominent in pedigrees of many top bulls around the world. High proportion of the semen from VikingRed sires is used in the ProCROSS concept, the only scientifically proven cross breeding programme in the world.
VikingRed Production
The breeding population of VikingRed is over 200,000 milk recorded red cows in Sweden, Finland and Denmark.
Interbull evaluations
The International Bull Evaluation Service shows excellent performance for Red bulls from Denmark, Sweden and Finland compared to bulls from the rest of the world. VikingGenetics bulls are the top performers in Udder Health, Yield, Longevity, Calving, both direct and maternal for daughter-proven bulls (born 2011 or later). The Nordic countries have managed to combine high yield with superior health and reproduction.